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Content Collections API Reference

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Agregado en: astro@2.0.0

Content collections offer APIs to configure and query your Markdown or MDX documents in src/content/. For features and usage examples, see our content collections guide.

import {
} from 'astro:content';

Type: (input: CollectionConfig) => CollectionConfig

defineCollection() is a utility to configure a collection in a src/content/config.* file.

import { z, defineCollection } from 'astro:content';
const blog = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: z.object({
title: z.string(),
permalink: z.string().optional(),
// Expose your defined collection to Astro
// with the `collections` export
export const collections = { blog };

This function accepts the following properties:

Type: 'content' | 'data'
Default: 'content'

Agregado en: astro@2.5.0

type is a string that defines the type of entries stored within a collection:

  • 'content' - for content-authoring formats like Markdown (.md), MDX (.mdx), or Markdoc (.mdoc)
  • 'data' - for data-only formats like JSON (.json) or YAML (.yaml)

Type: ZodType | (context: SchemaContext) => ZodType

schema is an optional Zod object to configure the type and shape of document frontmatter for a collection. Each value must use a Zod validator.

See the Content Collection guide for example usage.

Type: (collection: string) => ZodEffects<ZodString, { collection, id: string } | { collection, slug: string }>

Agregado en: astro@2.5.0

The reference() function is used in the content config to define a relationship, or “reference,” from one collection to another. This accepts a collection name and validates the entry identifier(s) specified in your content frontmatter or data file.

This example defines references from a blog author to the authors collection and an array of related posts to the same blog collection:

import { defineCollection, reference, z } from 'astro:content';
const blog = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: z.object({
// Reference a single author from the `authors` collection by `id`
author: reference('authors'),
// Reference an array of related posts from the `blog` collection by `slug`
relatedPosts: z.array(reference('blog')),
const authors = defineCollection({
type: 'data',
schema: z.object({ /* ... */ })
export const collections = { blog, authors };

See the Content Collection guide for example usage.

Type: (collection: string, filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>) => boolean) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>[]

getCollection() is a function that retrieves a list of content collection entries by collection name.

It returns all items in the collection by default, and accepts an optional filter function to narrow by entry properties. This allows you to query for only some items in a collection based on id, slug, or frontmatter values via the data object.

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
// Get all `src/content/blog/` entries
const allBlogPosts = await getCollection('blog');
// Only return posts with `draft: true` in the frontmatter
const draftBlogPosts = await getCollection('blog', ({ data }) => {
return data.draft === true;

See the Content Collection guide for example usage.

Agregado en: astro@2.5.0


  • (collection: string, contentSlugOrDataId: string) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>
  • ({ collection: string, id: string }) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>
  • ({ collection: string, slug: string }) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>

getEntry() is a function that retrieves a single collection entry by collection name and either the entry id (for type: 'data' collections) or entry slug (for type: 'content' collections). getEntry() can also be used to get referenced entries to access the data, body, or render() properties:

import { getEntry } from 'astro:content';
// Get `src/content/blog/`
const enterprisePost = await getEntry('blog', 'enterprise');
// Get `src/content/captains/picard.yaml`
const picardProfile = await getEntry('captains', 'picard');
// Get the profile referenced by `data.captain`
const enterpriseCaptainProfile = await getEntry(;

See the Content Collections guide for examples of querying collection entries.

Agregado en: astro@2.5.0


  • (Array<{ collection: string, id: string }>) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>[]
  • (Array<{ collection: string, slug: string }>) => CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>[]

getEntries() is a function that retrieves multiple collection entries from the same collection. This is useful for returning an array of referenced entries to access their associated data, body, and render() properties.

import { getEntries } from 'astro:content';
const enterprisePost = await getEntry('blog', 'enterprise');
// Get related posts referenced by `data.relatedPosts`
const enterpriseRelatedPosts = await getEntries(;

Type: (collection: string, slug: string) => Promise<CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>>

getEntryBySlug() is a function that retrieves a single collection entry by collection name and entry slug.

import { getEntryBySlug } from 'astro:content';
const enterprise = await getEntryBySlug('blog', 'enterprise');

See the Content Collection guide for example usage.

Type: (collection: string, id: string) => Promise<CollectionEntry<TCollectionName>>

Agregado en: astro@2.5.0

getDataEntryById() is a function that retrieves a single collection entry by collection name and entry id.

import { getDataEntryById } from 'astro:content';
const picardProfile = await getDataEntryById('captains', 'picard');
import type {
} from 'astro:content';

Query functions including getCollection(), getEntry(), and getEntries() each return entries with the CollectionEntry type. This type is available as a utility from astro:content:

import type { CollectionEntry } from 'astro:content';

CollectionEntry is a generic type. Use it with the name of the collection you’re querying. For example, an entry in your blog collection would have the type CollectionEntry<'blog'>.

Each CollectionEntry is an object with the following values:

Available for: type: 'content' and type: 'data' collections
Example Types:

  • content collections: '' | '' | ...
  • data collections: 'author-1' | 'author-2' | ...

A unique ID using the file path relative to src/content/[collection]. Enumerates all possible string values based on the collection entry file paths. Note that collections defined as type: 'content' include the file extension in their ID, while collections defined as type: 'data' do not.

Available for: type: 'content' and type: 'data' collections
Example Type: 'blog' | 'authors' | ...

The name of a top-level folder under src/content/ in which entries are located. This is the name used to reference the collection in your schema, and in querying functions.

Available for: type: 'content' and type: 'data' collections
Type: CollectionSchema<TCollectionName>

An object of frontmatter properties inferred from your collection schema (see defineCollection() reference). Defaults to any if no schema is configured.

Available for: type: 'content' collections only
Example Type: 'entry-1' | 'entry-2' | ...

A URL-ready slug for Markdown or MDX documents. Defaults to the id without the file extension, but can be overridden by setting the slug property in a file’s frontmatter.

Available for: type: 'content' collections only
Type: string

A string containing the raw, uncompiled body of the Markdown or MDX document.

Available for: type: 'content' collections only
Type: () => Promise<RenderedEntry>

A function to compile a given Markdown or MDX document for rendering. This returns the following properties:

import { getEntryBySlug } from 'astro:content';
const entry = await getEntryBySlug('blog', 'entry-1');
const { Content, headings, remarkPluginFrontmatter } = await entry.render();

See the Content Collection guide for example usage.

Agregado en: astro@3.1.0

A string union of all collection names defined in your src/content/config.* file. This type can be useful when defining a generic function that accepts any collection name.

import { type CollectionKey, getCollection } from 'astro:content';
async function getCollection(collection: CollectionKey) {
return getCollection(collection);

Agregado en: astro@3.1.0

A string union of all the names of type: 'content' collections defined in your src/content/config.* file.

Agregado en: astro@3.1.0

A string union of all the names of type: 'data' collection defined in your src/content/config.* file.

The context object that defineCollection uses for the function shape of schema. This type can be useful when building reusable schemas for multiple collections.

This includes the following property:

import type { SchemaContext } from 'astro:content';
export const imageSchema = ({ image }: SchemaContext) =>
image: image(),
description: z.string().optional(),
const blog = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: ({ image }) => z.object({
title: z.string(),
permalink: z.string().optional(),
image: imageSchema({ image })

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